The Cry of the Forests documentary, produced by award-winning filmmaker Jane Hammond, is being screened in Perth and at venues throughout the South West, and its powerful message is having a real impact.
The forests of the south west of Western Australia are found nowhere else on earth. They are part of one of the most biodiversity rich hotspots on the planet but they are under threat.
Logging is decimating these special places, turning the forests into wastelands. We are logging our forests at an alarming rate, and most of the logs end up as sawmill waste, charcoal or wood chips. Just 15 per cent becomes sawn timber with only small amounts turned into quality furniture.
Meanwhile climate change is impacting on the South West and rainfall is declining. The forests play a vital role in creating the rain that feeds the streams, environment and agricultural industries. If left standing these magnificent forests are excellent stores of carbon.
To view the official trailer, go to